Monday, June 25, 2007

if you wanted, i think you could pull off being a transexual

English is a fickle language.
Two, non pronounced W
One, no W but a wuh is said

I guess a comedian does that skit. Don't know who but he's kinda right.

I'm losing my mind from lack of sleep
Among other things

But good news is I've stayed pretty content for a while
Stressed as hell maybe
But none the less content
Which may be a contradiction
But I'm thinking the contentness is from the people I'm around constantly. So I should probably try to stick with them.
But I miss one
She'll always be around though

I signed my life away today
It's done
Traded it in for something in return
But it's cool. It's time to grow up

Denny's holds interesting people
I'll leave it at that
I mean, doesn't say much, I go there

I'm going to sleep

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